In case anyone 'wonders', I stand on
what I posted.
k. p. collins
"NMF" <nm_fournier at> wrote in message
news:IYSYb.6254$w65.536183 at
> Doktor DynaSoar:
>> > Correlation dimension. Dimension is typically termed "D". There can be
> > several kinds of dimension. The question which Ken answered with
> > irrelevant material involved calculation od correlation deminsion (cD)
> > from a time series.
>> Thank-you for the clarification. It makes more sense now. I didn't really
> have the feeling that you thought that. It's an interesting field of
> investigation and it can be very difficult to discern the nature of these
> non-linear trends within the activity of biological systems.
>> > Mathematics does not change with the subject it is being applied to.
>> I agree totally with you.