Hi Peter,
"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:0LMYb.605$m14.9780 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> [...]
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:E4fYb.7550$W74.957 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
I enjoyed reading your prelininary discussion
and will comment on:
> Some of the worst and most didactically damaging I have seen has been in
> books written by neurologists.
> The most sophisticated and deceptively insightful of these can be found in
> the book Vigilance and Habituation by Jane F. Mackworth. [Paperback
> published 1969 by "Penguin Education" 14 080095 6. ]
>> She starts-off the book (after the introduction) as follows:
>> "One of the guiding factors in the evolution of animals has
> been the principle that change is dangerous. The organism
> is bombarded with a continuous stream of stimuli, and by
> neglecting those which are predictable and readily recognizable
> as unimportant, all the mechanisms of detection and response
> are left free to react at maximum efficiency to the new and
> potentially dangerous event. As we become used to them,
> stimuli disappear from our consciousness. The ticking clock
> is no longer noticed, even the roaring subway train outside the
> window becomes a shadowy background in life....."
Her description is valid, but she missed
what's important - that it's WDB2T with
respect to which Life has, through eons
of trial-and-error, converged upon the
behavioral by-products that she describes.
When WDB2T's role is discerned, that
which she describes becomes other than
that which she describes.
Which is what NDT is all about.
> [...]
> Fully believing, or even thinking that it might be possible, that Jesus
> the son of God (and on top of that, that he knew how brains work) is a
> of mind that is totally mutually exclusive of an EPT position on
> omniscientifcally oriented philosophical matters.
Naw, it's just that what's in my experience
differs from what's in others' experiences,
In my experience, it's as I discussed in my
previous post. I can Defend the position
I've discussed before anyone, and I'll be
Successful - no one will allow me to do
so [probably because they know that I'll
be Successful :-]
So, it comes down to the Need to Guard
Free Will.
Which is what Jesus did. [I learned of the
Necissity from Him.]
k. p. collins