On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 00:40:01 +0100, Jean-Etienne Poirrier
<jepoirrier at remove-me-please.ulg.ac.be> wrote:
>Manuel Delaflor wrote:
>> I need 64 channels, all the equipment including software. Does someone
>> sells used Neuroscans, for example? I bet there are wat cheaper
>> equipments out there, but I dont know anyone.
>>>> All suggestions welcomed.
>>I suggest this, if you have some time:
>Buy a good PC, buy a good acquistion card, buy a Matlab licence. And
>then develop your own customized EEG acquisition software. That what we
>are doing (1 year development 1/4 time of a PhD student (me)). And we
>are fully satisfied with the result (and very cheap price). :-)
>>Hope this help.
Where do you get good, inexpensive amplifiers complete with high-gain,
low noise, proper bandwidth filters, patient safety, ...? Once you
have a reasonable signal, the rest is relatively easy.