Serotonin Re-uptake

NMF nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 18 18:20:23 EST 2004

No.  If you were to inject just 5-HT (serotonin) systemically, it won't
cross the blood-brain barrier to any significant degree.  The level of 5-HT
in the brain would remain unchanged even after injecting a large dose of
serotonin peripherally.  Unless you injected serotonin into the ventricles
(intracerebroventicular), then it might be possible.   Also the comment
about a reuptake compound doesn't really make all that much sense.  I'm not
to sure what you mean.

"ZaLTaR" <ZaLTaR666 at Hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:c0vkrp$4lf$1 at reader11.wxs.nl...
> Is it possible to use a Re-Uptake compound in combination with serotonin
> refull the serotonin levels in the brain after
> the release of this substance ?

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