Some amphetamine affinities

David Longley David at longley.demon.co.uk
Wed Feb 18 18:25:34 EST 2004

In article <qlc430lafacpd4ifcsp85rbdcoee0pmvoj at 4ax.com>, Doktor DynaSoar 
<targeting at OMCL.mil> writes
>On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 07:29:28 GMT, "k p  Collins"
><kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
>} I'm 'curious' - are folks waiting for me to
>} respond?
>Nobody is waiting for anything.
>} Everything I have to say about Neuropharmacology
>} has been in AoK, Ap9 all along ["functional multiplexing"]
>If among that you have the specific answers regarding the affinities
>of the specified drugs to the monoaminergic transporters, then feel
>free. If not, then it has nothing to do with the question.

I once worked with DSP-4 (N-2-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine 
hydrochloride) as an alternative to 6-OHDA) whilst looking at forebrain 
NE' (and other monomaines') role in various aspects of learning. It 
looks like the term "transporter" is being used here as a synonym for 
(presynaptic) "reuptake receptor". Is that the case? I used to use DMI, 
5-7 DHT, but not MDMA in control groups. I thought these ligands were 
somewhat dirty and bound to lots of receptors - is this what you're 
interested in, ie their relative affinities (sorry if this has all been 
said earlier).

This is really a trivial question for my benefit, as I expect matters 
have moved on considerably since my day (although I do try to keep up 
with some of it).
David Longley

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