Serotonin Re-uptake

Doktor DynaSoar targeting at OMCL.mil
Wed Feb 18 15:07:11 EST 2004

On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 13:07:11 +0100, "ZaLTaR" <ZaLTaR666 at Hotmail.com>

} Is it possible to use a Re-Uptake compound in combination with serotonin to
} refull the serotonin levels in the brain after
} the release of this substance ?

Your question is too vague. 

What sort of reuptake compound -- reuptake agonist (increases uptake)
or reuptake antagonist (decreases uptake)? 

What do you mean "in combination with serotonin"? You can't "take"

Where do you mean by "in the brain"? Serotonin is released into the
synapse where it performs its neuromodulation function. You want that
level increased? Or do you want it increased within the serotonin
releasing cells?

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