Now you are just being egocentric and silly. Do you not think others
have to work hard, struggle etc.?
My point has been that in your case you may be misreading your own
behaviour. You may be deluding yourself in thinking that any of this is
really related to AoK etc.
The advice is not that you may need "institutionalising", just that you
need to take care of yourself a little better, and one part of that
might be just to seek some professional medical advice if only to
*exclude* the possibility that something may be awry, and that that
accounts for your "angst".
What harm would it do? It might make things easier in fact.
Kind regards,
In article <olHYb.9716$W74.8186 at>, k p
Collins <kpaulc@[----------].invalid> writes
>"David Longley" <David at> wrote in message
>news:nz12dCCipzMAFwMf at>> [...]
>>Sometimes what needs to be done
>is just 'Hard', and if one listens to
>you, none of that stuff would ever
>be accomplished.
>>You'd 'institutionalize' anyone who
>'groaned' under the stress of a work-
>>Yours would be a pretty-shabby
>world, no?
>>I mean, who, in it, would do what
>needs to be done?
>>You know - if 'groaning'-under-the-
>load is so 'demeaned' that taking-up-
>the-load becomes 'impermissible'.
>>That's a prescription for collective-
>incapacitation, isn't it?
>>"Peeuuuwwweee Stink!"
David Longley