"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:EfAYb.9516$W74.6503 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "Laughter" is a mechanism of communication,
Only in a secondary sense - only because it can be positively contagious
*and negatively* (not to be forgotten) 'painfully polluting'.
It is/has, primarily, a very much 'intra-individual', AEVASIVEly beneficial,
tension-releasing, function.
> but it
> differs from language because it always consists of a
> 'shunting' of relatively-high TD E/I
this far I can make some sense of what you wrote
> that would, otherwise
> [if it were not 'shunted'], result in information-exchange
> becoming directed away from the information-content
> contained in the verbal dynamics that are transpiring.
but not at all if I include the above!
> Crying also falls into this category of communication
> dynamics, but is aligned differently with respect to
> global TD E/I [which can also be investigated by the
> simple method described below].
What looks like crying can be the shedding of crocodile, theatrical, or
abbreactive, tears. In this way crying can be a less than WHAT IT CAN ALSO
BE -- a spontaneous natural means, and outward reflection, of a process of
Thusly 'corrupt' crying can be, from, consciously calculated-to-manipulate
(theatrical), to, not calculated at all.
Any crying but "to cry and know (afterwards or in parallel with the crying)
why", can be, or become, "AEVASIVEly grooved". In cases of least
sophisticated such sobbing, it is a 'pure' and simple Neurosis-maintaining
"defensive (~AEVASIVE) style".
(This was another source of wisdom that, with the benefit of hindsight, was
provided to me by my grandmother. She tought this one by example - although
in this case it was not at all intended to be anything of the sort. ;)
This style of crying (not just my grandmother's) is a style of active
AEVASIVE defense *against primal pain* (or CURSES).
Whether mild (as my granny's occasional AEVASIVE crying) or maniacally
abbreactive as (e.g.) in sessions of *less than effective* affect-oriented
psychotherapy, the crying is a de facto function by which an underlying
'collection' of memories of the type that I label "CCKHHURSES" - (CURSES
being the shortest spelling version of this concEPT) - IS KEPT THAT WAY ---
i.e. as memories "Conditioned-in and Chronically *Kept as if Hibernated*,
Hence Unconsciously Retained Since Environmental Stressors of SHITS-type".
[BTW, this is not my ordinary way or deriving the long version of this
concEPT. The ordinary long version is to abbreviate from "Conditioned-in,
Chronically Kept Hibernated, Hence Unconsciously Remembered, Stressors
Effecting Symptoms". ]
>> This is all fairly easy to Verify, but one must treat
> "laughter" as a 'shunting' operator with respect to
> TD E/I, and not look for other information-content i
> n it. It does communicate, but does not do so with
> respect to language-specific information-content.
Hysterical laughter most certainly betray an underlying condition - by far
the most frequently (typically) that of accumulated CURSES (primal pain).
>> A first approach that comes to mind is to have naive
> subjects interact with others who are coached to either
> allow laughter or disallow it during interaction, and to
> monitor levels of "stress" in the naive subjects. Use
> standard 'lie-detector' apparatus, EEG, and, if available,
> other scanning methods [tell subjects jokes while their
> heads are held still in a scanner tube - you know,
> sort of like what's been going-on in b.n these 'days'.]
>> You'll get differential correlations, depending on whether
> the coached participants allow or behaviorally-'disallow'
> laughter, and these results will permit the TD E/I-'shunting'
> of laughter to be quantified.
>> The topic is quite rich, and really does need to be
> Formalized. The results will be significant within
> Behavioral Neuroscience.
Future, even more high resolution than already in use, non-invasive (not
even utilizing radiactive isotopes) real-time brain-scanning techniques will
do that job (if it needs doing) a lot better.