"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:54HYb.9714$W74.6285 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> Hi John,
>> "John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote in message
> news:40318cd4 at dnews.tpgi.com.au...> > [...]
> > I have no idea why Ken is so intense
> > about all this.
> [...]
I can clarify a bit more-specifically.
There're a bunch of Jackasses, offline,
who 'pile-it-up' whenever I grow-'tired'
It's been this way for decades.
The 'fears' of others, my constant
What you refer to as my 'intensity' is
just my 'communicating' my 'disdain'
for their collective-Jackass-ness, when-
ever it's 'appropriate' to do so.
I understand the Consequences, inherent,
and that, over the short-term, they go-
against my Purpose because folks online
don't understand what's going-on.
It's 'just' that one must stand-at-one's-full-
height in the face of such, lest one 'give-up'
what's in-one, and, because of such 'giving-
up'-of-what's-in-one, what what one can do.
Although it always imposes-delay,
standing-at-one's-full-height in the
face of Coersion leaves one, sub-
sequently, able to stand-at-one's-
full-height, period.
I intend to Rescue even them.
And, it's 'hilarious', they take-offense
at that :-]
ken [k. p. collins]