Have folks suddenly gotten 'tired'?

David Longley David at longley.demon.co.uk
Wed Feb 18 05:11:46 EST 2004

In article <khGYb.9705$W74.964 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>, k p 
Collins <kpaulc@[----------].invalid> writes
>"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
>news:_MFYb.9698$W74.6005 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
>> Silence tonight?
>> ken
>It's 'interesting'. Tonight, even the
>'hack'-attempts have ceased.
>'Shucks' - as hate-filled as they are,
>they were keeping me from getting

And *that* Ken, is perhaps something you should deeply meditate upon. 
Consider the extent to which your postings (and your passions more 
generally) may be a function of *that* and not what you are attributing 
it to (your passion for the ideas expressed in "AoK").

That doesn't mean that there may not be something else awry (why not 
just *ask* a health professional for an opinion on that to be safe? - 
easy for me to say perhaps as we have a free health service over here). 
For what it's worth, I think you *are* misattributing - and way beyond 
the bounds of normality/eccentricity - but that's just a personal 
opinion, not a professional one.

Do yourself a favour and just get yourself assessed (they don't lock you 
up anymore unless you threaten to kill folk or are a seriously risk to 
yourself through neglect etc). You don't, as others have said, have to 
stop posting to the net either - many folk probably quite like you (they 
just find many of your posts bizarre and disruptive and are concerned 
about you).

Kind regards,

>Guess I'll just have to 'talk to my-
>Like this :-]
>Anyway, I'm 'wondering' what this
>recent 'divergence' in what's been
>'normal', here in b.n, 'means'.
>You know - msgs coming by the
>What has been the 'purpose' of
>You know - with all the 'stinky'-
>stuff that's been referred-in-my-
>Just 'marking' it - lifting-my-leg,
>if you will :-]

David Longley

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