An electrophysiology quesiton

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Wed Feb 18 03:06:08 EST 2004

"Matthew Kirkcaldie" <m.kirkcaldie at removethis.unsw.edu.au> wrote in message
news:e6ca61d567e41b6dfaf293a700f548fd at news.teranews.com...
> [...]
> Thank you for [...] your tenacity in
> sifting Ken's wheat out of his chaff.
>          Matthew.

It's all 'wheat', Matthew.

It's just that it's a 3-D energydynamic,
not a 'time'-sequence :-]

I'm always discussing many things,
simultaneously, with the goal being
folks' understanding the =one=
thing that cross-correlates each-
thing that I'm discussing with every-
thing else that I have discussed,
am discussing, and will discuss.

It's something that I'm exploring for
myself, too [privately, without explaining] -
communicating 'across the divide'.

Everything is in-there with a Purpose.

What seems, to others, to 'be chaff',
will, eventually be understood to be

My read is that folks 'sense' this, be-
cause I've been 'waiting' for side-
discussions to develop, but none
have, which is a measure of folks'

I'm always just 'reaching-for' the
=one= thing that'll enable folks to
See the rest.

"It's not easy being green." [Kermit the Frog]

ken [k. p. collins]

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