"NMF" <nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:VauYb.5132$d34.785101 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> Please define cD? (crucial data?). If you actually think that the
> geometrical shape of a neuron plays no role in the coordination
> spatiotemporal regulation of neuronal activity, I would say your
> wrong. Moreover, with respect to the geometrical shape and organization
> specific brain structures within brain space, there have been papers that
> have placed the importance of such factors with respect to brain
> functioning. This is most notably the case regarding the shape and
> development of the hippocampus. The topological configuration as well as
> electrophysiological properties are the reason for the robust excitable
> nature of the hippocampus. Paul Nunez has written extensively on this
> subject. There are many neuronal topological based studies that have
> investigated the three dimensional properties of epileptic brain tissue
> compared to non epileptic tissue. There is often differences. Moreover,
> even the distribution and topological arrangement of endogenous magnetite
> has been shown to be peculiar in some epileptic brains, explaining why
> certain pulsed magnetic fields within specific frequency bands can elicit
> epileptoform activity readily.
>> I think there is a real problem where a post that was originally designed
> discuss if a cellular membrane could act as an electromagnetic field
> has now become a discussion that has absolutely nothing to do with the
> former. (actually the electrical field component would be mostly
> however, the B-component would be able to permeate with relative easy.
> Ludwig did these calculations in the 60's.). Does anybody see a problem
> this? I'm not criticizing anybody in particular but I just don't see the
> point.
>> I actually read this entire thread today. Although there are some
> excellent discussions; however, some people should just refrain from
> discussing things that are completely outside of their level of expertise.
> For example, I do not remember who stated it, but I absolutely cringed
> I read something like, "Show me an electric field without a magnetic
> That is entirely incorrect and that person really doesn't know what they
> talking about. Magnetic fields and electric fields can occur in
> (Consult a high school physics textbook next time).
Henceforth, please leave the context
in replies to discussions in which I
Your comments in this reply of yours
can be ambiguously-construed, which,
retaining the context, including the
headers, prevents.
I've got to comment, briefly, because
of the resultant ambiguity.
It was me who said "something like,
"`Show me an electric field without
a magnetic field'", and, because we're
talking about nervous systems, I stand
on that which made you 'cringe'.
Even if there're little 'permanent mag-
nets' in-there, be-cause of the ionic-
conductance of nervous systems,
there's never H without B.
[It's not [yet] accepted by others,
but the same with respect to all
of physical reality. The 'magnetic
field' of a 'permanent magnet' de-
rives in the ordering of the UES-
flow, local to the 'magnet', that's
actualized in the SSW<->UES
harmonics which comprise the
And "shape" is relevant =only= with re-
spect to its correlation to, and within the
global neural Topology.
But, Topology has nothing to do with
A "cube", a "sphere", and a "pyramid"
are all topologically the same.
k. p. collins