Formal Challenge

John H. johnh at faraway.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Tue Feb 17 09:23:12 EST 2004

Thanks Neil,

I've had these ideas kicking around my head for sometime and was hoping to
find a relevant specialist in the field who could confirm my thoughts or
point out errors. There are a few comments I'd like to add but now I really
have to start thinking. Will revisit the hsp32 - iron linkage and see if I
can add anything substantial; particularly in relation to your comments
about ferric compounds inducing seizures - that's a very interesting thing.
At present the only angle I can think of in that regard is that il 1 can
inhibit GABA while il 6 can potentiate NMDA activity.

I've had to do most of this thinking on my own so its great to find someone
out there coming at the problem from the same angle.



"NMF" <nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:94jYb.5354$Cd6.334810 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> Dear John H.,

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