Hello NMF,
Thanks for you comments and offer!
There is a veritable smörgåsbord of delicious information available to us -
right in front of our noses - these days. :-)
Here is an example of what prompted me to say that:
"NMF" <nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:94jYb.5355$Cd6.335124 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> Well there has been some interesting work by Mark Bear showing sliding
> modification threshold for evoking LTP and LTD, which are based on the
> previous correlated firing activity of the postsynaptic neuron importance
> argued from the mathematical modeling of Bienenstock-Cooper-Munroe Theory.
> It seems that if you have a developing nervous system the threshold moves
> towards the easy evocation of producing LTP. As more and more connections
> are gained along the entire dendritic arbor, competitive actions between
> neigboring synaptic sites will compete with each other in terms of trophic
> support etc.. Thus instead of getting to a point where the saturability of
> LTP would occur, the converse situation emerges, that is the threshold
> towards readily evoking LTD. (This has been verified in monocular
> deprivation studies, environmental enrichment studies, and recently
> assesing these hypotheses in normal animals... see Mark Bear). (more
> below).
All the more reasons to take our "formative years" seriously. %-|
>> Maybe some of Nadel and LeDoux work published in Neuron (2002?) might be
> useful to look into especially with respect to mechanism. Also K. Nadel
> an excellent paper that he published (i think 2003? or 2002) in trends in
> the neurosciences, that I would definitely encourage you to read on
> implications of some important physiological processes involved memory
> consolidation and psychopathological disorders. i'll find the paper and
> you want i can send you the .pdf (Just let me know).
Yes thanks. Please put pdf in bottle and throw at high tide in my direction:
fell_spamtrap_in "at" oze_mail (as one word without underscore) full stop
com full stop au.
(The look of that address should send spambots right past this post.;)
> Hmm. That's interesting and I never thought of it quite like that. I
> personally don't believe that repression, in the psychodynamical and
> Freudian sense, exists. And I agree with you on the limitations of it's
> traditionally sloppy and hypocritical definitions. Even Freud threw away
> concept of "repression" in his later work, which essentially considered it
> as BS. He later adopted the approach that it was derived by therapist and
> client selective reinforcement. (the infamous "flash bulb memory" cases
> prime examples of this silliness). However, most people do not read the
> original work and as a result incorrect and Hollywood views circulate.
Apropos which: You might be interested at taking a look at some of the
content of Arthur Janov's website?
Best wishes,