No Humor? (was: Re: DC lesion? - a lesson?)

Glen M. Sizemore gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 17 17:58:12 EST 2004

And given that PET scans have brought back a sort of phrenological
mentality, your paper will be quite timely!

"Doktor DynaSoar" <targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote in message
news:0uh430hkmrkvik146eao6flbl70fl5midn at 4ax.com...
> On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:40:46 +1000, "John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote:
> } Peter,
> }
> } The best thing you can do for Ken is teach him your sense of humour and
> } lightheartedness. Damn, they're all so serious around here, not a joke
> } amongst the lot. I sometimes wonder if they smiled whether or not their
> } faces would crack. I can see the headlines now: Joke told at
> } Conference. Plastic surgeons are working around the clock to repair
> A famous neuroscientist is out shopping with his wife, and clearly not
> enjoying himself. She notices, and tells him, "I'm going to go buy
> some shoes. Why don't you go to the bookstore and browse? I'll meet
> you out in front of the store in an hour." He agrees, and she goes
> off.
> While browsing in the bookstore, he catches the eye of a young,
> admiring co-ed. She starts a conversation with im, and soon, he is
> headed mto her place with her, where nature takes its course.
> Three hours later, realizing what he's done, he rushes back to the
> bookstore, and sees his wife waiting impatiently out front, arms
> crossed and foot tapping. Overcome with remorse, he tells her what
> happened, admitting everything, and begging her forgiveness.
> She listens to his whole speech, and waits for him to finish. When he
> does, she shakes her finger at him and exclaims, "DON'T LIE TO ME! YOU
> =====
> I've tested the above in a stand-up act in various situations. It's a
> big hit at scientific conferences. It goes right over the heads of
> most at generic comedy clubs.
> I'm presently at work on a paper for the Annals of Improbable Research
> on corrective phrenology. I've published there before, including being
> in their "Best Of" book. I'll do what I can to lighten the mood some.

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