Please define cD? (crucial data?). If you actually think that the
geometrical shape of a neuron plays no role in the coordination
spatiotemporal regulation of neuronal activity, I would say your completely
wrong. Moreover, with respect to the geometrical shape and organization of
specific brain structures within brain space, there have been papers that
have placed the importance of such factors with respect to brain
functioning. This is most notably the case regarding the shape and
development of the hippocampus. The topological configuration as well as a
electrophysiological properties are the reason for the robust excitable
nature of the hippocampus. Paul Nunez has written extensively on this
subject. There are many neuronal topological based studies that have
investigated the three dimensional properties of epileptic brain tissue
compared to non epileptic tissue. There is often differences. Moreover,
even the distribution and topological arrangement of endogenous magnetite
has been shown to be peculiar in some epileptic brains, explaining why
certain pulsed magnetic fields within specific frequency bands can elicit
epileptoform activity readily.
I think there is a real problem where a post that was originally designed to
discuss if a cellular membrane could act as an electromagnetic field shield
has now become a discussion that has absolutely nothing to do with the
former. (actually the electrical field component would be mostly attenuated,
however, the B-component would be able to permeate with relative easy.
Ludwig did these calculations in the 60's.). Does anybody see a problem with
this? I'm not criticizing anybody in particular but I just don't see the
I actually read this entire thread today. Although there are some extremely
excellent discussions; however, some people should just refrain from
discussing things that are completely outside of their level of expertise.
For example, I do not remember who stated it, but I absolutely cringed when
I read something like, "Show me an electric field without a magnetic field".
That is entirely incorrect and that person really doesn't know what they are
talking about. Magnetic fields and electric fields can occur in isolation.
(Consult a high school physics textbook next time).