Opportunities in Medical Devices AND Visa's are Welcome !

geimanb at bsci.com geimanb at bsci.com
Tue Feb 17 14:21:05 EST 2004

My name is Barry Geiman, Sourcing Specialist for a large Medical
Devices company that is dedicated to less-invasive therapies.

Do you have experience in Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology or Medical
Devices? Previous Experience in Medical or Pharmaceutical Marketing,
Medical Writing, Regulatory Affairs,  Clinical Research, Project and
Program Management, Training and Development, Oncology, Endoscopy,
Urology, NeuroVascular, Electrophysiology, OR Gynecology ?

Are you currently working and looking for a better job opportunity,
working at a start-up, or are you in between jobs ?  If you're looking
for the 'best kept secret in the medical device marketplace', you owe
it to yourself and career path to contact me, prefer email> 
geimanb at bsci.com

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