My 'disruptiveness'

mat mats_trash at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 17 13:01:50 EST 2004

> But, it was written decades ago. It cannot
> just be Published, now, without being re-
> written.

So Crick and Watson's DNA paper is tosh now is it?  A Sherrington or
Eccles paper is now wrong?  If what you wrote then was right it will
still be broadly correct today...

You are not fooling anyone, publish it or be damned forever.  No one
is going to simply 'trust' you, and no one is going to give you the
time of day unless you show some willingness.  If you are as devout a
Christian as you profess and have been charged with such an important
mission then you should be willing to do anything to get the message
across.  Whatever you say or do in reference to this document is not
enough.  If you had any respect for Science (the discipline) you would
not reference a work no one has access too and claim it to be the
truth.  You claim to be working toward a truth while simultaneously
hiding it or refusing to explicitly show it.

Disseminate it or email it as the extracted text (I'm not willing to
run a self extracting file).  It would all be so much easier.

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