On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:40:46 +1000, "John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote:
} Peter,
} The best thing you can do for Ken is teach him your sense of humour and
} lightheartedness. Damn, they're all so serious around here, not a joke
} amongst the lot. I sometimes wonder if they smiled whether or not their
} faces would crack. I can see the headlines now: Joke told at Neuroscience
} Conference. Plastic surgeons are working around the clock to repair damage.
A famous neuroscientist is out shopping with his wife, and clearly not
enjoying himself. She notices, and tells him, "I'm going to go buy
some shoes. Why don't you go to the bookstore and browse? I'll meet
you out in front of the store in an hour." He agrees, and she goes
While browsing in the bookstore, he catches the eye of a young,
admiring co-ed. She starts a conversation with im, and soon, he is
headed mto her place with her, where nature takes its course.
Three hours later, realizing what he's done, he rushes back to the
bookstore, and sees his wife waiting impatiently out front, arms
crossed and foot tapping. Overcome with remorse, he tells her what
happened, admitting everything, and begging her forgiveness.
She listens to his whole speech, and waits for him to finish. When he
does, she shakes her finger at him and exclaims, "DON'T LIE TO ME! YOU
I've tested the above in a stand-up act in various situations. It's a
big hit at scientific conferences. It goes right over the heads of
most at generic comedy clubs.
I'm presently at work on a paper for the Annals of Improbable Research
on corrective phrenology. I've published there before, including being
in their "Best Of" book. I'll do what I can to lighten the mood some.