On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 06:10:17 GMT, "k p Collins"
<kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
} "Doktor DynaSoar" <targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote in message
} news:r7lu20pj0ecl6sb09e6eatdm7ie55agftj at 4ax.com...
} > On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 17:36:11 -0500, r norman <rsn_ at _comcast.net>
} > wrote:
} >
} > } Ken's posts are most definitely disruptive.
} >
} > As I've said elsewhere, I don't expect (and definitely don't demand)
} > he stop posting. I only request -- no, honestly I insist -- he stop
} > answering straightforward questions with irrelevant material whether
} > from his "theory" or not.
} > [...]
} Who are you so so Dictate what will be within scientific discourse?
I don't, and I have said as much. Carry on with as much discourse as
you like. But don't bother others by posting it in threads where it
doesn't belong. Responding to all specific questions with material
that has nothing to do with those questions is not discourse, it is
automatic, if not compulsive, monolog.
} You presume too-much when you presume to know what is "irrelevant".
You presume too much when you presume that statement is correct.
Specific questions have specific answers. Responding to them with
material that is not related to the question at hand is in fact
responding with irrelevant material. It requires no understanding of
science at all to grasp that fact. I don't know just what it is that
makes people steadfastly refuse to grasp that fact, and don't really
care, but the problem is obviously not due to a lack of scientific
understanding. There are a lot of people without scientific
understanding and for the most part they don't do this.
It's a big newsgroup, Ken. In fact it has no realistic size limit that
would mean anything to people posting text messages. There's plenty of
room for everyone. That is not the same as saying every single thread
is fair game for anyone who wants to add anything. Technically they
can, but it is considered rude to do so, just as it is considered rude
to barge into a conversation and hold forth on whatever one wishes
without regard for the topic of the conversation in progress.
Imagine doing that in person, Ken. I can't conceive of you doing so.
As to why you insist on doing it here is up to you to care about or
not, and determine or not. We will all continue to deal with the
results in our own ways.