Human and Computer Vision Laboratory (HCVLab)
Graduate Programs of Human Computer Interaction and Psychology
Iowa State University -- Ames, Iowa
The newly established HCVLab of Iowa State University is actively
recruiting and seeking to support talented and motivated students
wishing to undertake graduate studies leading to an M.S. or Ph.D.
in Human Computer Interaction and/or Psychology.
The HCVLab investigates how the human visual system receives, selects
and processes information in real-world and virtual environments.
Our research integrates knowledge from the fields of Psychology,
Human Computer Interaction and Computer Science. We use this
knowledge to innovate intelligent human computer interfaces and
biologically inspired technologies.
Potential areas of graduate research include:
Psychology focus:
The mechanisms of visual attention and human eye movements
Computational modeling of visual attention and eye movements
Real-world scene perception, memory and understanding
Active vision and visual-motor coordination
Human Computer Interaction focus:
Perceptually adaptive rendering techniques
in virtual reality and video compression
Human computer interfaces
in virtual reality, augmented reality, and mobile computing
Computer vision and learning
including object tracking in stereo and multi-camera vision
Applicants with research experience in any of the following areas
will be preferred: human vision, eye movement control, psychophysics,
computational modeling, computer vision, image processing, computer
graphics, virtual reality, augmented reality, and mobile computing.
Applicants must hold a bachelors degree in a field such as Psychology,
Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Neuroscience or a
closely related field. The successful candidate will be a highly
motivated individual with a keen interest in addressing either basic
or applied research issues related to human and/or computer vision.
The successful candidate should possess strong computer skills including
the ability to program in C, C++ or a similar language as well as
a background in mathematics.
Students may enroll in the newly established interdepartmental
Human Computer Interaction Graduate Program or in the Department of
Psychology Graduate Program. Terminal masters or doctoral degrees
are available in Human Computer Interaction and/or Psychology.
For more details about HCVLab see:
For more details about the Graduate Program in Human Computer Interaction see:
For more details about the Graduate Program in Psychology see:
All full-time students are eligible for competitive financial support
that fully covers tuition, stipends, health insurance, and travel
to research conferences.
Students interested in joining the HCVLab should visit
to submit a pre-application. While pre-applications will be continually reviewed,
pre-applications should be submitted as soon as possible to qualify for admission
in the 2004-2005 academic year.
Derrick Parkhurst, PhD
(current address)
The Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
(address as of Summer 2004)
The Department of Psychology and
The Human Computer Interaction Program
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa, 50011
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