My 'disruptiveness'

Andrew T. Austin andrewaustin at 23NLPeople.com
Mon Feb 16 08:39:59 EST 2004

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:%61Yb.6650$hm4.5816 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> A number of folks have commented
> on what they've referred to as my
> 'disruptiveness'.
> In this post, I'll explore that, a bit.
> What have I, or am I, 'disrupting?

Come now Ken, surely you misunderstand.  Here's the deal - you refer to a
unpublished bit of work by yourself repeatedly, stating that your posts
refer back to a long line of threads that `folks` will have followed.  If
anyone challenges you, you simply say, "I stand on what i posted."  Duh!

Various people have suggested that you publish your work on a webpage.  In
the past I too offered some of my own webspace to you this purpose, free of
charge.  I think the neuro science lot here have been far more charitable in
both their offers of assistance and tolerance of you than you could possibly

However, you invent interesting `excuses` and `reasons` as to why you
shouldn`t make this earth shattering manuscript available.  You appear to be
on a `mission` - yet you are so artfully vague that when the no one on this
planet appears to understand your bizarre posts and logic, you feel that it
is the world that has it wrong.  Well, get with the program Ken - if your
work is so good, how about communicating it in a coherent fashion and
publish the damned thing.

Me thinks you squirm in fear of being `found out`.  Get over it already.

Maybe it would all be different if you had hair.

Rant ends.

Andrew Austin.
NLP, Neurology, Schizophrenia:  http://www.23NLPeople.com
Phantom Limbs:  http://www.PhantomLimb.org.uk

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