I'm sure it is. These drugs have been investigated for years because of the
abuse aspect, and I'm sure the affinities have been worked out. My guess is
that the people that invent compounds like this do binding studies
immediately. I have a paper coming out soon and one of the authors is a
chemist who makes cocaine- and methyphenidate-like drugs (he has made
dozens), and the relative binding affinities for the various monoamine
transporters are the first thing examined.
"Doktor DynaSoar" <targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote in message
news:k0lu20h75hkbh14r8ssickj0koput3rq78 at 4ax.com...
> On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 12:27:47 GMT, "Glen M. Sizemore"
> <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> } Hmmmm........you would think that this would be easy to find on Pub Med,
> } it isn't.
>> I had the same problem. I'll bet it's all there, but not in the
> abstracts. By now it's probably such a well known standard measure
> that it's not stressed. Like talking about electricity without stating
> the unit charge of an electron.