On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 17:36:11 -0500, r norman <rsn_ at _comcast.net>
} Ken's posts are most definitely disruptive.
As I've said elsewhere, I don't expect (and definitely don't demand)
he stop posting. I only request -- no, honestly I insist -- he stop
answering straightforward questions with irrelevant material whether
from his "theory" or not. That *is* disruptive and confusing to
someone without the understanding to immediately discern the nature of
the response.
He seems to have at least the occasional discussant, and maybe some
regular detractors who do nothing but. As long as that stays to
itself, it's not disruptive to others, and he can participate to his
heart's content as is his right.
Should a serious student fall into that stuff and waste time on it,
well that's a learning experience too. I'm confident the capable will
rectify their own mistakes, and the rest, they take their chances.