DC lesion?

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sat Feb 14 22:37:14 EST 2004

Klenow, I gave you the only possible
answer. This 'DynaSoar' guy is 'grinding
an axe', and has Falsely commented on
the discussions I posted in reply to your

And, BTW, if you are quoted Correctly,
below, then you've misspoken with re-
spect to what the article you've cited says.

It describes an =increase= in the kindling
threshold, not a decrease.

Cheers, ken [k. p. collins]

"Doktor DynaSoar" <targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote in message
news:e35s20dk5tpp96f6gve0ea1jhm9s3hmjo5 at 4ax.com...
> On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 01:53:28 -0500, "Klenow" <bakedbeans at spam.not>
> wrote:
> } The reason I'm asking about a lesion is that they claim there is a
> } long-lasting (maybe permanent) increase in seizure threshold akin to
> } kindling's permanent lowering of seizure threshold.
> You're wise to ask again. You've received a non-answer from our
> resident motor mouth.
> I can find no direct answer to your question in the literature. The
> closest I can find are references to use of DC current with respect to
> other damage. Depending upon polarity, it can help or hinder.
> Brain Res. 1992 May 1;579(1):32-42.
> The effect of direct current field polarity on recovery after acute
> experimental spinal cord injury. Fehlings MG, Tator CH.
> J Trauma. 1988 Nov;28(11):1548-52.
> Mammalian optic nerve regeneration following the application of
> electric fields. Politis MJ, Zanakis MF, Albala BJ.
> J Neurosci. 1983 Jan;3(1):153-60.  Links
> Modification of retrograde degeneration in transected spinal axons of
> the lamprey by applied DC current. Roederer E, Goldberg NH, Cohen MJ.
> A change in seizure threshold could well be due to a change in
> response to GABAergic interneurons. A possibility is disruption of
> interneuronal gap junctions...
> Rev Neurosci. 2002;13(1):1-30.
> Axonal gap junctions between principal neurons: a novel source of
> network oscillations, and perhaps epileptogenesis. Traub RD, Draguhn
> A, Whittington MA, Baldeweg T, Bibbig A, Buhl EH, Schmitz D.
> ...resulting in decreased (amount or efficacy of) high frequency
> oscillations, which are mediated by the GABAergic interneurons, and
> can  contribute to epileptiform activity...
> Epilepsia. 1996 Nov;37(11):1035-42.
> GABA-mediated synchronous potentials and seizure generation.
> Avoli M.
> On the other hand, you have in your possesion the paper that refers to
> it. At least one of the authors is listed as a contact, probably via
> email. They wouldn't do that if they didn't welcome good questions.

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