On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 08:51:22 -0500, Doktor DynaSoar
<targeting at OMCL.mil> wrote:
>On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 08:31:28 -0500, r norman <rsn_ at _comcast.net>
>>} As a rapidly aging guy brought up in the Eisenhower era to be polite
>} and respectful, I find truly appalling the level of civil discourse
>} all too often practiced on news groups. (Not this one so much). I
>} think I made it pretty clear that neither I nor anyone else in the
>} universe believes his theories. But I didn't feel it necessary to be
>} rude about it.
>>I'd like it to be known that I have nothing against him and his
>"theories" I only have something against him expounding them at
>unsuspecting people asking serious questions. They're very often
>students, and posting in a non-alt newsgroup might expect real answers
>to their questions. I think they deserve the chance to find the right
>answers, and that sometimes necessarily includes indicating a given
>answer is wrong. If in doing so I can shorten the time it takes to
>make the effect stick, and therfore decrease the long term traffic
>noise level, I will.
>>Compare him with John Winston. John hangs out in the UFO and
>paranormal groups, regularly posting things he's found along those
>lines. If someone asks him a question about something he knows or has
>material on, he posts it. He's been doing this for 15 years on usenet
>and Fidonet before that. He's impervious to flames because he knows
>he's done nothing to give people cause to be upset with him. Never has
>he done the equivalent to what goes on here, such as answering every
>question by claiming it's related to motion (because after all, all
>energy and matter are in motion) and then relating it to Bob Lazar's
>"discovery" that the anti-gravity engines in the flying saucers at
>Area 51 run on element 115. I've been a major fan of John Winston (for
>his behavior, not his material) for all of those 15 years. No one can
>claim that in all that time he misled anyone.
Ken's posts are most definitely disruptive.