Verbal Auditory Agnosia

Doktor DynaSoar targeting at OMCL.mil
Sat Feb 14 09:24:53 EST 2004

[Reply posted and mailed]

On 13 Feb 2004 18:18:21 -0800, eionmolleedad at cs.com (Tom) wrote:

} My Son is on the verge of being diagnosed with verbal auditory for the
} second time and I was wondering what can I do to help him get threw
} this. I live in Rhode Island U.S. and the best doctor in this state is
} giving the second opion. He has never had a seizer and his behavor
} leaves little to be desired most of the time, The words he says now
} will be gone in about 12 weeks he will not utter them again. He has a
} vocaburly of about 80 words and is 3yrs old. He also is very extremly
} friendly and soical. and is no where near any autsim spectum. There is
} still not to much info out the and from what I've seen so far it
} doesn't look to promising. any info would be helpful. Thanks Tom
} Daniels

You might consider contacting the National Institute on Deafness and
other Communications Disorders (NIDCD) at the National Institutes of
Health, in Bethesda, MD. I used to work there, in the Language
Section. They work with all sorts of language related problems.

Here's their web page: http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/

You can ask to see if they have any information available to send you
on agnosias via email: nidcdinfo at nidcd.nih.gov 
(I didn't see any posted on their site).

There's also this, from the same page:
Have a Question?
Talk to a health specialist toll-free
Voice: (800) 241-1044 

Or get the NIDCD phone number and ask them if anyone there is
interested in your case. They guy I worked for might be, but I can't
release his name without permission.

I'm more familiar with visual agnosias, which is more common. If
verbal/auditory agnosia is rare, you could try:
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
P.O. Box 1968 
(55 Kenosia Avenue) 
Danbury, CT 06813-1968 
orphan at rarediseases.org 
Tel: 203-744-0100 Voice Mail 800-999-NORD (6673) 
Fax: 203-798-2291 

Strangely, I found more on agnosias at the NINDS site than NIDCD's (of
course NIDCD derived from NINDS not many years ago).

You can poke around the NIH site at www.nih.gov and see if there's
anything else of interest to you.

They do keep track of clinical trials nationwide. There may be some on
agnosia. I just tried to look, but that part of the site was down for
maintanence. http://clinicaltrials.gov/

WAIT! Is this it?
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome

NIDCD sure didn't make it easy to find.

Something it says on that page is the same as what occurred to me.
If the problem is verbal/auditory, would it help to switch the
channel? How about visual/manual communication? Might American Sign
Language help? No promises, some of the processes in verbal and manual
language are the same. But some differ. It could be worth a try. And
even if it only helps a little, it can be fun.

Do a Google search for "American Sign Language for Children"
(including the quote marks) and see what's available. My favorite ASL
book was titled something like "The ABCs of American Sign Language".
I'd be interested to know if this helps.

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