DC lesion?

Doktor DynaSoar targeting at OMCL.mil
Sat Feb 14 07:49:19 EST 2004

On Sat, 14 Feb 2004 01:53:28 -0500, "Klenow" <bakedbeans at spam.not>

} The reason I'm asking about a lesion is that they claim there is a
} long-lasting (maybe permanent) increase in seizure threshold akin to
} kindling's permanent lowering of seizure threshold.

You're wise to ask again. You've received a non-answer from our
resident motor mouth.

I can find no direct answer to your question in the literature. The
closest I can find are references to use of DC current with respect to
other damage. Depending upon polarity, it can help or hinder.

Brain Res. 1992 May 1;579(1):32-42. 
The effect of direct current field polarity on recovery after acute
experimental spinal cord injury. Fehlings MG, Tator CH.

J Trauma. 1988 Nov;28(11):1548-52. 
Mammalian optic nerve regeneration following the application of
electric fields. Politis MJ, Zanakis MF, Albala BJ.

J Neurosci. 1983 Jan;3(1):153-60.  Links 
Modification of retrograde degeneration in transected spinal axons of
the lamprey by applied DC current. Roederer E, Goldberg NH, Cohen MJ.

A change in seizure threshold could well be due to a change in
response to GABAergic interneurons. A possibility is disruption of
interneuronal gap junctions...

Rev Neurosci. 2002;13(1):1-30.
Axonal gap junctions between principal neurons: a novel source of
network oscillations, and perhaps epileptogenesis. Traub RD, Draguhn
A, Whittington MA, Baldeweg T, Bibbig A, Buhl EH, Schmitz D.

...resulting in decreased (amount or efficacy of) high frequency
oscillations, which are mediated by the GABAergic interneurons, and
can  contribute to epileptiform activity...

Epilepsia. 1996 Nov;37(11):1035-42.
GABA-mediated synchronous potentials and seizure generation.
Avoli M.

On the other hand, you have in your possesion the paper that refers to
it. At least one of the authors is listed as a contact, probably via
email. They wouldn't do that if they didn't welcome good questions.

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