Some amphetamine affinities

Glen M. Sizemore gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 14 07:27:47 EST 2004

Hmmmm........you would think that this would be easy to find on Pub Med, but
it isn't.


Pharmacologic profile of amphetamine derivatives at various brain
recognition sites: selective effects on serotonergic systems. Battaglia G,
De Souza EB.

They don't mention the DA transporter in the abstract, but they may say
something in the intro or discussion. If I read the abstract correctly (I'm
mostly a behavior guy) they are claiming that these drugs bind at the
post-synaptic sites as well. I didn't know that.

"BilZ0r" <BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com> wrote in message
news:Xns948FB68E74FD3BilZ0rhotmailcom at
> Not that I'm really asking anyone here to do research for me, but no one
> here would happen to be close to some information which says what
> methamphetamine, mdma and mda have for the serotonin and dopamine reuptake
> carrier, would they?

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