'They' have given-themselves-up.
It's =so= Sorrowfully-'Hilarious'.
Capital "S", capital "H".
It means that I've got to alter my course,
a bit.
It's 'just' =so= Sorrowfully-'Hilarious'.
'They're 'tripping-all-over-themselves'.
"Zone of randomness", AoK, Ap4.
Even though I've been Sacrificing-myself
for 'them'.
It's 'just' =so= Sorrowfully-'Hilarious'.
'They' have given-themselves-up.
So 'interesting'.
So Ominous.
So Sorrowfully-'Hilarious'.
Capital "S", capital "H".
Guess that's enough of a 'marker'.
I think I'll just break-off from what I
was going to do.
It makes no difference with respect
to the folks upon whose behalves
NDT was done.
Everything those who Suffer need
has been in AoK, all along - Withheld
from them by 'science', 'government',
'business' and 'journalism'.
Burned the book before it was even
The Dictates of Censorship.
Now, what will the Censors do?
Now that 'they' have given-themselves-up?
How will 'they' do-Science?
Not that it's not Obvious that 'they'
do not Care about doing-Science.
It is.
'Just' =so= Sorrowfully-'Hilarious'.
Guess I'll lay-back, a bit.
Get ready for Lent.
"It is as it was."
K. P. Collins