An electrophysiology quesiton

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sat Feb 14 03:42:03 EST 2004

Hi Peter,

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:Z6kXb.562$FI6.14575 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:6RhXb.4841.
> >
> > Why 'fight'?
> >
> > Why 'hunt'?
> >
> > Why not just 'hibernate'?
> >
> The answers to: Why "selective Hibernation?" or "Why does high-precision,
> selectively unconsciousness maintaining, Hibernation exist?" is almost
> precisely that!
> See further above for two puny but precise enough examples of what..;-)
> In order to understand what requires selective Hibernation, one has to
> looking into what sorts of highly significant life-situations (individual
> needs combined with physically inescapable need-negating environmental
> features - features of 'absence as well as presence type' BTW) would cause
> futile and self-defeating focuses of actention if such "focuses" could NOT
> be "selectively Hibernated".
> There are few natural "stenches" as instinctively unconsciously avoided as
> that of a SHITS and its aftermath in the form of normally insidiously
> co-motivating CURSES.
> P

I was literally referencing the =NYT= Article [that I found
Lyrical, BTW], but, if I were to discuss my situation, it
consists of being Obliged, with no hope of being 'released'
[into the arms of Love].

Makes it 'hard' to continue, but not-continuing is Unthinkable.

I can endure what's inherent, BTW, be-cause learning how
to endure it was early stuff in my Life. A Great-Gift from my

Anyway, you have to read the =NYT= Article to get the
analogy to which I was referring. As the ice begins freezing
after the warm months, the polar bear males "play fight", in
an exuberance that derives in their Biology's 'knowing' that,
soon, the lean months will be over, and that they'll be mating
[plus, it's their way of 'going to the gym' - 'getting-back-in-
shape for the Rigors of the hunting season].

What I was saying is that Spring is coming, and my Biology
is 'stiring' in the natural way, but I cannot hope, so why hope?
["Why not 'hibernate'" with respect to hope for Love?

With respect to the Obligation, I do what needs to be done,
regardless [no 'hibernation' is acceptable].

Cheers, Peter, ken [k. p. collins]

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