=IIf= there's a long-lasting effect, it's probably
be-cause the presence of the 15-'min' DC
'pushed' what would've been the 'normal'
neural dynamics 'off-center' with respect
to what, in Neuroscientific Duality Theory
[NDT] is called "TD E/I-minimization".
During this 'off-center'-TD E/I-minimization
'period', molecular dynamics proceed in a
correlatedly-'off-center' way - the early stages
of "learning" encode the 'off-center' neural
Then, when the DC is removed, subsequent
TD E/I-minimization occurs in a way that
treats the 'off-center' 'learning' as being 'nor-
mal', so it's perpetuated, and actually reinforced
within the subsequent TD E/I-minimization
that 'hovers'-around it.
Analogous things can occur through intense
behavioral dynamics, except that, in physio-
logically-'normal' dynamics, there's no physio-
logically-'abnormal' breaking-of-synchrony,
so the 'learning' correlates with a behaviorally-
relevant 'abnormal-state' - an instance of
TD E/I(up) [a "tuning-precision void" [AoK,
"Short Paper"]] that occurs as "warning-learn-
ing" [AoK, Ap8].
What's different in the case of the DC is that
it 'abnormally' pushes =everything= 'off-cen-
ter', and, since there's no 'normal' correlate,
the neural dynamics that could operate upon
the DC-induced 'state' cannot be 'addressed'
within physiologically-'normal' neural dynamics.
This's why I addressed the DC as a "screw
driver in the clock-works".
I don't know if "5-15 uA" is sufficient [or if
it'd just dissipate], but if it is physiologically-
significant, then it's exactly analogous to
interrupting the normal physiology of any
organ - like disrupting the rythm of the heart,
for instance. Any downstream dependencies
are also affected [like the oxygen-depletion
of an arythmic heart has ramifications within
downstream oxygen-dependent processes.
[Note, this is only an analogy, meant only to
show how 'abnormality' imposed 'propagates'.
I'm not saying that the DC instantiates an
oxygen deficit.]
The way it would happen, iif the 5-15 uA DC is
physiologically-significant, is that the DC would
alter synaptic-'synchronization ["Type II"], which,
since it's 'normally' asynchronous ["Type I"],
would change the overall nature of the TD E/I-
minimization dynamics rather thoroughly [within
the 'range' of the injected current].
If there's a post-DC-injection seizure-threshold
increase, it'd result from this forced 'abnormal'
TD E/I-minimization.
[I've discussed this because, if the 5-15 uA DC
is not sufficient, gradually increasing it [in separate
trials] would, necessarily, result in the dynamics
that I've discussed. [What I mean is that I don't
know if the 5-15 uA DC is sufficient, and I'm
not going to look-it-up, but the stuff you've
brought up is useful with respect to other stuff
that I've discussed in long-former posts, so I've
discussed it, even if the 5-15 uA DC is not
ken [k. p. collins
"Klenow" <bakedbeans at spam.not> wrote in message
news:pwjXb.28653$D82.20191 at fe03.usenetserver.com...
> The reason I'm asking about a lesion is that they claim there is a
> long-lasting (maybe permanent) increase in seizure threshold akin to
> kindling's permanent lowering of seizure threshold.
>>> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:Z4jXb.4907$hm4.4138 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > "Klenow" <bakedbeans at spam.not> wrote in message
> > news:PxiXb.9020$%h1.7659 at fe24.usenetserver.com...> > >
> > > I've recently read a paper looking at the effects of 15 minutes of
> direct
> > > current stimulation (5-15 uA) through a chronic indwelling electrode
> > > kindled seizure thresholds in rats. Can this type of stimulation
> an
> > > electrolytic lesion at the electrode tip even with such low current?
> I've
> > > been looking through brain stimulation books and can't find an answer.
> > >
> > > --
> > > -----
> >
> > I don't know about a resultant lesion,
> > but the neural architecture is just like
> > any other machine. It's 'engineered'
> > to function as it's engineered to func-
> > tion, and 15 'minutes' of DC is con-
> > trary to everything that's 'engineered'-
> > in-there.
> >
> > Stick a screw driver in the works of
> > a grandfather clock, or in the spokes
> > of a bycycle that's riding by - same-old,
> > same-old.
> >
> > In the neural architecture, what happens
> > is that the DC desynchronizes the 'norm-
> > ally exquisitely-synchronized ["Type II]
> > neural dynamics. The result is exactly-
> > analogous to 'stripping-the-gears' of
> > any machine's mechanism.
> >
> > ken [k. p. collins]
> >
> >