"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
>> Why 'fight'?
>> Why 'hunt'?
>> Why not just 'hibernate'?
The answers to: Why "selective Hibernation?" or "Why does high-precision,
selectively unconsciousness maintaining, Hibernation exist?" is almost
precisely that!
See further above for two puny but precise enough examples of what..;-)
In order to understand what requires selective Hibernation, one has to start
looking into what sorts of highly significant life-situations (individual
needs combined with physically inescapable need-negating environmental
features - features of 'absence as well as presence type' BTW) would cause
futile and self-defeating focuses of actention if such "focuses" could NOT
be "selectively Hibernated".
There are few natural "stenches" as instinctively unconsciously avoided as
that of a SHITS and its aftermath in the form of normally insidiously
co-motivating CURSES.