DC lesion?

NMF nm_fournier at ns.sympatico.ca
Sat Feb 14 01:43:27 EST 2004

Definitely that could happen and it is completely dependent upon where the
lesion is.  For example extensive damage (analogous to a large electrolytic
lesion) to the amygdaloid-hippocampal transition zone in the rat will
abolish the recurrent seizures that are found in rats following

In the study you are mentioning depending on if they did any electrical
recordings for spontaneous epileptiform spikes, the animal may not have
kindled but may have still had significant ADs (after discharge spikes) at
the electrode site.  However, they might not have been sufficient to
generalize to motor circuits.  Moreover, you can routinely lesion a
structure and that is one way to abolish the initiation and progression of
some kindling protocols.  However, the lesion has to be done before you
kindle the rat or before the rat is kindled (i.e. has displayed at least 3
consecutive stage V motor seizures).  The structure is what is critical in
this case.  This is similar in theory to  a treatment for Parkinson disease,
where one can lesion the subthalamic nucleus in order to inhibit the
excessive activation of the indirect pathway leads to Parkinsonism symptoms.

Could you forward us the reference.  Thanks a bunch.


"Klenow" <bakedbeans at spam.not> wrote in message
news:pwjXb.28653$D82.20191 at fe03.usenetserver.com...
> The reason I'm asking about a lesion is that they claim there is a
> long-lasting (maybe permanent) increase in seizure threshold akin to
> kindling's permanent lowering of seizure threshold.
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:Z4jXb.4907$hm4.4138 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> > "Klenow" <bakedbeans at spam.not> wrote in message
> > news:PxiXb.9020$%h1.7659 at fe24.usenetserver.com...
> > >
> > > I've recently read a paper looking at the effects of 15 minutes of
> direct
> > > current stimulation (5-15 uA) through a chronic indwelling electrode
> > > kindled seizure thresholds in rats.  Can this type of stimulation caus
> an
> > > electrolytic lesion at the electrode tip even with such low current?
> I've
> > > been looking through brain stimulation books and can't find an answer.
> > >
> > > --
> > > -----
> >
> > I don't know about a resultant lesion,
> > but the neural architecture is just like
> > any other machine. It's 'engineered'
> > to function as it's engineered to func-
> > tion, and 15 'minutes' of DC is con-
> > trary to everything that's 'engineered'-
> > in-there.
> >
> > Stick a screw driver in the works of
> > a grandfather clock, or in the spokes
> > of a bycycle that's riding by - same-old,
> > same-old.
> >
> > In the neural architecture, what happens
> > is that the DC desynchronizes the 'norm-
> > ally exquisitely-synchronized ["Type II]
> > neural dynamics. The result is exactly-
> > analogous to 'stripping-the-gears' of
> > any machine's mechanism.
> >
> > ken [k. p. collins]
> >
> >

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