Bennett and Hacker: Village Idiots or Philosophers?

Eray Ozkural exa erayo at bilkent.edu.tr
Wed Feb 11 20:55:41 EST 2004

"AlphaOmega2004" <OmegaZero2003 at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:<095b2cd3e29032d12dba75f872672918 at news.teranews.com>...
> I agree.
> One point though - there is a philosophical position that memory is a
> regenerative process.  That is, once the appropriate NCC's are activated
> (becoming the casual agent for the personal experience of a memory), the
> memory is regenerated from those processes each time. Aeach time they
> regenerate, the processes that accept the memory process inputs *are* the
> content of consciousness proper.
> This avoids the content-match conundrum (athe notion that sub_personal
> processes cannot match personal_experential processes) posited by Noe et al
> in the current Journal Of Consciousness Studies.

OK, but I don't see how that position is philosophical. :)


Eray Ozkural

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