Hi James,
I heard a Report on NPR, yester-'day', that
discussed how hormone therapy [specifically,
testosterone 'therapy'] is being considered with
respect to "male menopause".
A researcher interviewed [or quoted] during the
Report predicted that incidence of prostate cancer
would increase as a result of such 'therapy'.
So, your position matters, and I Applaud the
Dilligence with which you pursue it.
The molecular dynamics occur as they do
be-cause of evolutionarily-calculated Reasons,
and it's good to keep this in-mind when folks
explore altering what they 'think' are "isolated'
elements of what is actually globally-calculated
and integrated stuff.
ken [k. p. collins]
"James Michael Howard" <jmhoward at arkansas.net> wrote in message
news:9n7l20pcp0k6qbmehleaqii5drg4e0hn32 at 4ax.com...
> The Common Link of HRT increases Breast Cancer and Alzheimer's disease:
>> Copyright 2004, James Michael Howard, Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A.
>> In 1985 I suggested low dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) may result in
> disease in vulnerable individuals. In 1994, I suggested low DHEA may be
> involved in triggering cancer. Both of these have since received support.
> was recently reported that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases
> cancer in some women. Today, February 11, 2004, I discovered that the FDA
> reported that HRT increases Alzheimer's disease in some women.
>> HRT is known to reduce DHEA. In older women, whose DHEA has already
> naturally, HRT reduces DHEA further. I suggest this is the common link by
> HRT increases breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. HRT reduces DHEA.
> invite you to read this in more detail" "How Hormone Replacement Therapy
> May Cause Breast Cancer" at www.anthropogeny.com/research.html ).
>> James Michael Howard
> www.anthropogeny.com