An electrophysiology quesiton

Xiaoshen Li xli6 at gmu.edu
Wed Feb 11 11:20:53 EST 2004

Dear Everybody:

My original post has become centered around what is voltage clamp and 
what is current clamp and what is the purpose of each technique. Voltage 
clamp and current clamp have been the only two choices for an 
electrophysiologist. However recently I have heard that there is another 
new clamping technique now. It is called "Dynamic clamp". It is said 
that this techniqure provides some new information which V-clamp or 
I-clamp cannot.
Could anybody explain what dynamic clamp is and compare it with V-clamp 
and I-clamp?

Thank you very much.


Xiaoshen Li wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an electrophysiology question. I read somewhere "somatic EPSCs 
> under passive voltage clamp conditions...". What is "passive voltage 
> clamp"? I am always confused EPSC and EPSP. In voltage clamp condition, 
> are we measuring EPSCs?
> Thank  you very much for your help.
> Best Regards,
> Xiaoshen

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