"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
> "Capacitance" is =just= the current that is allowed
> by "resistance", so Ohm's Law is, in fact, all that's
> necessary.
I'm sorry Ken, but at some point I think it's neccessary to tell you,
that you are just simply spoken wrong. Any Physics text-book will tell
you the difference between resistance and capacitance and why Ohm's law
is not sufficient to explain the behaviour of an RC-circuit.
Once you reach a point at which all of science has to be re-written in
order for one's theory to persist, one should consider re-writing one's
The OP asked a simple question to which several people tried to
responded in an adequate manner - imho Matt being the one who managed
this the best. Maybe it would be adequate not to totally confuse the OP.
There is a time and place for the discussion of alternate scientific
theories and there is a time and place for giving answers according to
textbooks - I think this thread is the former and I'm certain most
people in bn would agree on that. People more often than not want an
answer they can apply in their situation and I don't think the answers
AoK may or may not have to offer fall into that category.
Regards, Chris