Could a cell membrane provide an electromagnetic shield ?

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Wed Feb 11 03:18:58 EST 2004

Hi Dr. Norman,

"r norman" <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote in message
news:077j20drks8gq72pv9f52dj088phro99m2 at 4ax.com...
> [...]

>Incidentally, the membrane capacitance is
> pretty close to 1 microfarad/square
>centimeter or 0.01 farad/m2.

I =only= want to try to convey a 'new'
position with respect to such 'membrane
capacitance', and I'm not expecting you
to reply. [It's too-hot, just now. I under-

In my view, what you refer to as a
"membrane capacitance" is not a
"capacitance", but a result of active
ionic pumping that maintains the
resting potential.

In "capacitance", the "capacity"
fills-up and the result is a =passive=
storage, not anything that is actively

I'm not saying it well enough. What
I'm getting at is that the 3-D energy-
dynamics that maintain the resting
potential are the wellsprings of
information-content. That is, they
are not uniform, as is a capacitor's
passive response, but, through stuff
like gate-location and ionic response
selectivity, exist as they do as activa-
tion-dependent =results= of prior
neural experience.

They literally embody the information-

And, so, their actions are not like
passive capacitor actions.

Hammer this =Hard= if there's any-
thing Erroneous in-here, but feel
no need to reply, either way.

It's a bit 'Hard'.

It's all necessary with respect to the
way that the ionic 'Coulomb forces'
selectively-'address' the genetic material
so that both it, and protein synthesis, re-
flect experience.

Which is Crucial.

I don't care if folks call it "membrane
capacitance", as long as all of this inform-
ation-content-wellspring stuff is not over-

Myself, I don't call it "membrane capacitance".

I call it 3-D energydynamics, and explain the
"3-D" [as I've done here]. In the furure, it
will have a name that evokes all that's in-it.

Cheers, Dr. Norman, ken [k. p. collins]

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