Could a cell membrane provide an electromagnetic shield ?

Matthew Kirkcaldie Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au
Wed Feb 11 02:01:06 EST 2004

In article <mikWb.20372$jH6.15339 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>,
 "k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:

> The magnetic field would vary with
> the distribution of the cellular constitution.

The question was about an electric field - not a magnetic field.

> So, depending on the field strength,
> you don't get a a uniform action, but
> one that [literally] reflects the cellular
> constituents.

Oddly enough, related to the dielectric properties which you dismissed 
as "resistance".

> This is what "magnetic Resonance
> Imaging" [MRI] is [why it gives detailed
> images].

No, MRI has nothing to do with detecting changes in a magnetic field 
induced by tissue constituents.  The magnetic field is used to hold the 
tissue's atoms in a state where they can be imaged by detecting their 
interactions with radio waves of specific frequencies.

I feel you should stop "explaining" things you don't understand - it 
certainly doesn't help anyone.


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