The magnetic field would vary with
the distribution of the cellular constitution.
Everything in-there is 'atoms' and 'ions'.
The cellular membrane would modify
any applied field because it, too, is
comprised of 'atoms'.
So, depending on the field strength,
you don't get a a uniform action, but
one that [literally] reflects the cellular
This is what "magnetic Resonance
Imaging" [MRI] is [why it gives detailed
k. p. collins
"Stelios Papaioanou" <stelmed at> wrote in message
news:200402110419.56898.stelmed at
> Hello everybody!
>> I would like to ask you the following question:
> If we apply an external electric field of 10 v/m very close
> (~micrometers) to the surface of a neural cell membrane, what would be
> the value of the electric field that is measured inside the cell.
> Consider the cell membrane's resistance ~5 ohm/m2. Cell membrane has
> also capasitance characteristics (Don't know the exact value).
>> Thanks in Advance
>> Stelios Papaioanou
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