The other thing that's interesting about
"capacitors" is that their capacity is dir-
ectly proportional to 'dielectric' surface-
area, and inversely proportional to 'di-
electric' thickness.
These geometrical features 'emulate' the
nonlinearity of perspective [NL-P] of
the volume/surface-area ratio [V/Ar] that's
at the heart of the SSW<->UES harmon-
ics that are described by Tapered Harmony,
and which was calculated in the "Compton
Refraction" QBASIC[tm] app that I posted
last winter. [It's actually the same thing, even
though the planar Geometry of capacitors
seems to be so different from the 'spherical'
Geometry of the SSW<->UES harmonics.
The thinning of the 'dielectric' layer is like
'compressing' the SSW, and the increase
in capacitance as the 'dielectric' thickness
decreases directly reflects the way that
the SSW asymmetries occur with 'standard'
Geometries - narrow the'dielectric', and
the SSW asymmetries extend that much
further through the 'dielectric', which results
in inversely-proportionately-more capacity.
This's analogous to what happens during
the compression phase of the SSW<->UES
harmonics, although, in the 'atomic' case,
the variation of the V/Ar is nonlinearly-pro-
portional [which, I expect folks will find is
also the case with respect to 'dielectric'
thickness if they can come up with stuff
that still insulates well when it's extremely-
k. p. collins
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:MXfWb.20059$jH6.11585 at
> "Matthew Kirkcaldie" <m.kirkcaldie at> wrote in
> news:m.kirkcaldie-CCC39B.10534211022004 at> > In article <37cWb.19830$jH6.13318 at>,
> > "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote:
> >
> > > "dielectric" is =just= a redundant name for "resistance".
> >
> > Er, Ken, I think you've overstepped the mark there. There is a
> > difference between a resistor and a capacitor - or is the entire
> > electronics industry a hoax as well?
>> Hi Matthew,
>> Whew! I was 'worried' that no on
> would 'call' me :-]
>> Capacitors are compound devices.
>> A variable capacitor is a little machine.
>> In terms of their SSW<->UES harmonics,
> Resistors are also 'machines', but their
> composition is 'uniform' relative to the
> compositions of capacitors.
>> Capacitors are conductor-resistor-conductor
> 'sandwitches', which is easiest to see when
> the 'dielectric' is something non-'exotic', like
> paper.
>> The main feature of a capacitor is that its
> resistor [its 'dielectric'] is engineered to be
> thin, and this results in the distorted-ness
> [asymmetries] of the SSW<->UES harmon-
> ics comprising the capacitor's two "conduct-
> ors" to extend-through the 'dielectric', which
> is what enables capacitors to 'store' energy.
>> [I discussed analogous energydynamics in
> the generalized Proof of Tapered Harmony
> that I posted a few weeks back [the one
> with the line numbers]].
>> What happens is that, the asymmetries are
> established by the applied "electromotive
> force" [EMF], and the 'stored' energy actually
> comes from the UES, as the SSW<->UES
> harmonics on the other side of the 'dielectric'
> [on the other side of the thin resistor] ab-
> sorb energy from the UES in order to re-
> establish their 'normal' 'symmetries'.
>> Remove the EMF, and the excess UES 'has
> nowhere to go' because of the 'resistor' [be-
> cause of the 'dielectric']. So, the EMF is
> 'stored', 'ideally', for ever, but be-cause the
> 'dielectric' is just a high-resistance resistor,
> and, be-cause it's just more SSW<->UES
> harmonics, the excess energy that was
> 'stored' gradually leaks through the 'resistor' -
> as the 'wild-and-wooly- SSW<->UES
> harmonics of the 'charged' conductor 'jost-
> le' the SSW<->UES harmonics comprising
> the 'resistor' [the 'dielectric'].
>> It's all 'just' another instance of WDB2T -
> energy going from order to disorder.
>> The UES-flow stuff is =why= one can
> 'tune' one's radio or TV by 'waving one's
> hands' [:-] - one's body interferes [absorbs]
> a bit of the local UES, and alters the 'capac-
> itance' of the variable [air-'dielectric' [air-
> 'resistor']] 'capacitor.
>> "Dielectrics" are 'just' precision-engineered
> Resistors.
>> Why it's useful to understand all of this is
> that doing so allows one to literally observe
> the local UES-flow.
>> All of Electronics is analogously Rewritten
> in Tapered Harmony.
>> I wanted to 'stick-my-neck-out' with this
> "dielectrics are just resistors" discussion
> in order to begin talking about Electronics
> from Tapered Harmony's perspective.
>> The concept of "capacitance" dates-back
> to Leyden Jars, and the Ancient views
> have just been carried-forward, unques-
> tioningly.
>> Works for Engineering applications, but
> 'blocks' the augmentation of understand-
> ing with respect to physical reality.
>> [I Understand that rewriting 'fundamental'
> stuff is a cause of 'groaning', but there's
> Worth in that, too, because it enables a
> practical, and 'impersonal', veiw upon
> TD E/I-minimization and the way nervous
> systems tend, strongly, to 'move away
> from' "rendering useless" with respect to
> that which was formerly "finitized" [AoK,
> Ap4; "TD E/I-minimized". So, although
> it's a 'groaner', it's Worth the energy. In
> the future, Engineers will do all sorts of
> useful nano-stuff with the UES-flow
> dynamics that are briefly discussed above.]
>> It's going to renew Electronics.
>> Cheers, Matthew, ken [k. p. collins]