An electrophysiology quesiton

Doktor DynaSoar targeting at OMCL.mil
Wed Feb 11 00:22:11 EST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 09:57:01 +0000, Xiaoshen Li <xli6 at gmu.edu> wrote:

} If I am correct most part above, what are the advantages/disvantages of 
} EPSC and EPSP? How is an electrophysiologist going to choose to measure 
} EPSC or EPSP in his today's experiment?

They're proportional measures with different purposes. Check the
papers that result from a PubMed search for "excitatory postsynaptic
current" and see what they're using it for. You might also find that
what they're doing could have been done as easily (or even more so) by
sticking with the voltage. 

} (3)In real life situation(no V-clamp, no I-clamp), a neuron sits there 
} with Vrest=-65mv. When an excitotary synapse fires and the postsynaptic 
} channels open, due to the driving force difference, the current will 
} flow into the neuron. This current will charge the neuron membrane and 
} depolarize it. Is this current equal to EPSC measured? Is this membrane 
} potential change equal to EPSP measured?

In situ, there would be loss to the matrix. In vitro, less so. In the
perfect situation of isolation, they would be proportional.

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