An electrophysiology quesiton

Doktor DynaSoar targeting at OMCL.mil
Wed Feb 11 00:14:27 EST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 21:52:09 GMT, "k p  Collins"
<kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:

} OK, show me a "current" in the absence of
} a "conductance".

Current is ion flow. Conductance is the ability to, the inverse of the
resitance to, carrying it. Of course that means they're related. But
current is still current, and it is the measurement in question.

Your inability to answer the question at hand, and instead insert your
own imaginary answers, is already well documented. Your apparent
inability to understand the terms in question as having a
relationship, not identity, should indicate to you as well as others
who read your answers, that they should ignore you.

} In nervous systems, "current" is embodied
} in ion's motions - "conductances".

Current is embodied in ions' motions -- "current".
The permiability of the medium is proportional to the current at a
given voltage. That's a relationship, a difference if you will. They
are not the same thing.

This is a very basic point, and you're laboring mightily to make
yourself out to be what many already do, and all should, know.

} Forgive me, please, it seems that, these 'days'
} I'm thrust-into work that entails eliminating
} redundant usage in symbolic representations.

These days you should be thrust into some dictionaries and see how
definitions stay with the words assigned to, and don't drift around at
your whim.

IF, and that's a mighty big if, you have some real answers, save them
for the relevant questions, and stop spewing out things to questions
you clearly don't understand.

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