An electrophysiology quesiton

Matthew Kirkcaldie m.kirkcaldie at removethis.unsw.edu.au
Tue Feb 10 21:38:00 EST 2004

In article <MXfWb.20059$jH6.11585 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>,
 "k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:

> "Dielectrics" are 'just' precision-engineered
> Resistors.

I'm sorry, Ken, but this is just wrong.  If I stick a resistor between 
two wires, and pass a time-varying signal through it, it emerges 
attenuated but with the same frequency and phase characteristics.  If 
you pass a similar signal through a capacitor, its frequency makeup is 
altered and a phase lag is introduced.  The resistance of the circuit 
varies according to the frequency of the signal, which emphatically does 
not happen with a resistor.  That's standard AC circuit theory; your 
deductive logic and jargon isn't going to make the slightest difference 
to the facts of the matter.

It's clear to me that you have seriously overestimated the scope of your 
ideas; that, coupled with an unwillingness to accept standard science, 
and a reluctance to disseminate your basic ideas, and an exaggerated 
belief that others are persecuting you (for example, thinking that the 
Swen worm was directed at you personally) ... well, draw your own 
conclusions.  Sorry.


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