"Matthew Kirkcaldie" <m.kirkcaldie at removethis.unsw.edu.au> wrote in message
news:m.kirkcaldie-CCC39B.10534211022004 at tomahawk.comms.unsw.edu.au...
> In article <37cWb.19830$jH6.13318 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>,
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
>> > "dielectric" is =just= a redundant name for "resistance".
>> Er, Ken, I think you've overstepped the mark there. There is a
> difference between a resistor and a capacitor - or is the entire
> electronics industry a hoax as well?
Hi Matthew,
Whew! I was 'worried' that no on
would 'call' me :-]
Capacitors are compound devices.
A variable capacitor is a little machine.
In terms of their SSW<->UES harmonics,
Resistors are also 'machines', but their
composition is 'uniform' relative to the
compositions of capacitors.
Capacitors are conductor-resistor-conductor
'sandwitches', which is easiest to see when
the 'dielectric' is something non-'exotic', like
The main feature of a capacitor is that its
resistor [its 'dielectric'] is engineered to be
thin, and this results in the distorted-ness
[asymmetries] of the SSW<->UES harmon-
ics comprising the capacitor's two "conduct-
ors" to extend-through the 'dielectric', which
is what enables capacitors to 'store' energy.
[I discussed analogous energydynamics in
the generalized Proof of Tapered Harmony
that I posted a few weeks back [the one
with the line numbers]].
What happens is that, the asymmetries are
established by the applied "electromotive
force" [EMF], and the 'stored' energy actually
comes from the UES, as the SSW<->UES
harmonics on the other side of the 'dielectric'
[on the other side of the thin resistor] ab-
sorb energy from the UES in order to re-
establish their 'normal' 'symmetries'.
Remove the EMF, and the excess UES 'has
nowhere to go' because of the 'resistor' [be-
cause of the 'dielectric']. So, the EMF is
'stored', 'ideally', for ever, but be-cause the
'dielectric' is just a high-resistance resistor,
and, be-cause it's just more SSW<->UES
harmonics, the excess energy that was
'stored' gradually leaks through the 'resistor' -
as the 'wild-and-wooly- SSW<->UES
harmonics of the 'charged' conductor 'jost-
le' the SSW<->UES harmonics comprising
the 'resistor' [the 'dielectric'].
It's all 'just' another instance of WDB2T -
energy going from order to disorder.
The UES-flow stuff is =why= one can
'tune' one's radio or TV by 'waving one's
hands' [:-] - one's body interferes [absorbs]
a bit of the local UES, and alters the 'capac-
itance' of the variable [air-'dielectric' [air-
'resistor']] 'capacitor.
"Dielectrics" are 'just' precision-engineered
Why it's useful to understand all of this is
that doing so allows one to literally observe
the local UES-flow.
All of Electronics is analogously Rewritten
in Tapered Harmony.
I wanted to 'stick-my-neck-out' with this
"dielectrics are just resistors" discussion
in order to begin talking about Electronics
from Tapered Harmony's perspective.
The concept of "capacitance" dates-back
to Leyden Jars, and the Ancient views
have just been carried-forward, unques-
Works for Engineering applications, but
'blocks' the augmentation of understand-
ing with respect to physical reality.
[I Understand that rewriting 'fundamental'
stuff is a cause of 'groaning', but there's
Worth in that, too, because it enables a
practical, and 'impersonal', veiw upon
TD E/I-minimization and the way nervous
systems tend, strongly, to 'move away
from' "rendering useless" with respect to
that which was formerly "finitized" [AoK,
Ap4; "TD E/I-minimized". So, although
it's a 'groaner', it's Worth the energy. In
the future, Engineers will do all sorts of
useful nano-stuff with the UES-flow
dynamics that are briefly discussed above.]
It's going to renew Electronics.
Cheers, Matthew, ken [k. p. collins]