"Francis Burton" <fburton at nyx10.nyx.net> wrote in message
news:1076406472.782758 at irys.nyx.net...
> In article <BHQVb.18727$jH6.14274 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>,
> k p Collins <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
> >To get a Firm-Grasp on it, Study the dynamics
>> What is the difference between a Firm-Grasp and a firm grasp?
>> Francis
In the former, one can use that which is
"Firm[ly]-Grasped" as one uses a map -
to =see= the 'territory', and =all= possible
'movement' within-it.
In the latter, one tucks-away 'the data',
leaving it disconnected from the rest of
the 'territory'.
The difference is analogous to the dif-
ference between having a 'dollar' in one's
wallet, but not knowing what to do with
it, and knowing how to optimize the use-
fulness of the 'dollar'.
Reread totay's 'additions' to this thread,
and you'll see the views of folks who
don't know what to do with the 'dollar'.
ken [k. p. collins]