On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 18:32:24 GMT, "k p Collins"
<kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote:
} "Xiaoshen Li" <xli6 at gmu.edu> wrote in message
} news:c08fgr$pm9 at portal.gmu.edu...
} > Hi,
} > I have an electrophysiology question.
} > I read somewhere "somatic EPSCs
} > under passive voltage clamp conditions...".
} > What is "passive voltage clamp"? I am
} > always confused EPSC and EPSP. In
} > voltage clamp condition, are we measur
} > ing EPSCs?
} >
} > Thank you very much for your help.
} >
} > Best Regards,
} > Xiaoshen
} I =presume= that "EPSC" is an acronym
} for "excitatory post synaptic conductances".
} If it's so, then, I've discussed everything
} that's involved in former posts that can be
} accessed by doing a Groups Google[tm]
} on:
} protein+folding+3-D energydynamics+kpaulc
Irrelevant junk.
It was a real, specific question about real, specific terms, and had
real, specific answers. Your delusions will serve as nothing but
distractions to people actually interested and knowledgeable in real
science. Try to stick with your accustomed conversants and leave the
real answers to people who don't invent them on a whim. Someone could
accidently believe your imaginary-friends-in-the-form-of-knowledge,
and making that mistake could have negative consequences. Try to think
about something other than your own flag waving for a change.