"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:qCrSb.2515$jH6.438 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:mGyRb.27686$i4.13344 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > [...]
> [...]
"A quest for clean hands
Values-based fund managers
delve deeply into the moral
character of companies
By G. Jeffrey MacDonald |
Correspondent of The
Christian Science Monitor"
This is a breath of fresh air.
And a Good Investment Strategy.
Which reminds me - the other 'day',
while watching the =Meet The Press=
Edition during which Mr. Bush was
interviewed, Mr. Russert brought
up the question of Mr. Bush's
membership in "The Skull and Bones".
Mr. Bush brushed the question aside
with, "It's so secret that it can't
be discussed."
I was Appalled.
Mr. Bush is under Oath to Serve
The Constitution of The United
States of America, but, here he
was, admitting that he also op-
erates in conjunction with this
'secret society'.
Right-then-and-there, a =lot=
came into clear-focus.
If folks look-back, they'll see
that I've discussed the "inbred
mentality" [using a term that I
first saw used in The =New York
Times=, which is the Intelligence
Community's jargon for the same-
stuff, "incestuous amplification"
[folks can do Groups Googles on
these phrases to access my prior
posts]] that I saw operating with-
in this Administration's 'decision'-
making processes.
It was flat-out Obvious that the
'decisions' that were being made
were the products of an inbred
And, because it's been so, it's
clearly been the case that things
=other than= the Presidential
Oath with respect to The Consti-
tution of The United States of
America were Taking-Precedence
in the 'decision'-making process.
So, when this "Skull and Bones"
'secret society' topic was
broached by Mr. Russert, and
'demured-from' by Mr. Bush,
everything fell-into-place.
Feilty to the 'society' of this
'group', supercedes Feilty to
The Constitution of The United
States of America.
Our 'president' is not Our
He's using The Presidency to
Serve his relations in this
'secret society'.
Which is =DISGUSTING=.
Mr. Russert also brought up
the point that the Democrat
Candidate for The Presidency,
Mr. Kerry, is also a Member of
"The Skull and Bones", which
means that more-of-the-same
is being planned by the members
of this clandestine group.
As Jesus said, "One cannot serve
two masters..." [look it up].
It's True, and The Citizenry of
The United States of America
needs to Asdsure that they will
Elect a President who will, in
fact, give his Feilty to The
Constitution of The United
States of America.
Rather than Serving The Citizenry,
folks who have Oaths to such
'secret societies' Calculate
to Ab-use The Citizenry.
If America is to Be, such
perversion of Precedence
=cannot= Be.
K. P. Collins