Further comments added below.
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:YmQVb.18709$jH6.2763 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "Xiaoshen Li" <xli6 at gmu.edu> wrote in message
> news:c08fgr$pm9 at portal.gmu.edu...> > Hi,
> > I have an electrophysiology question.
> > I read somewhere "somatic EPSCs
> > under passive voltage clamp conditions...".
> > What is "passive voltage clamp"? I am
> > always confused EPSC and EPSP. In
> > voltage clamp condition, are we measur
> > ing EPSCs?
> >
> > Thank you very much for your help.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Xiaoshen
>> I =presume= that "EPSC" is an acronym
> for "excitatory post synaptic conductances".
>> If it's so, then, I've discussed everything
> that's involved in former posts that can be
> accessed by doing a Groups Google[tm]
> on:
>> protein+folding+3-D energydynamics+kpaulc
>> Potentials and conductances are the 'two sides'
> of the same 'coin', and are inherently inseparable.
>> In Physics, it's 'just' Ohm's Law.
>> Where it gets 'Difficult', in Neuroscience, is that
> the neural Topology is 'complex', and inherently-
> dynamic. But this 'Difficulty' is all exceedingly-
> simple to work-through. The 'Difficulty' derives
> in the fact that there's just a =lot= of it to be
> worked-through, but that's not a 'show-stopper'
> be-cause it's all 'just' the Simple Physics of of
> Ohm's Law, carried-through in the 3-Space of
> the neural Topology.
To get a Firm-Grasp on it, Study the dynamics
of the "Wheatstone Bridge", and "Analog Comp-
uters". It's all exceedingly-straight-forward stuff
[and a lot of Fun, besides. I got my start in-it as
a Child, working with the kits that I'd ordered
through the mail from the American Basic Sci-
ence Club". I don't know if that Organization
is still in operation [I got my kits more than 45
years ago], but, if you look up the Wheatstone
Bridge and Analog Computers, I'm sure you'll
find everything you're looking for. Then, 'step-
outside' of the 'modern-complexity' and just
understand the Infinity that's in the always exactly
cross-correlated dynamics of "V" and "I".
Your jaw will drop-down when you See all that
is in-there :-]
Cheers, again, Xiaoshen, ken [k. p. collins]
> Get it?
>> Don't 'get lost' in specific data.
>> See the overall 3-D energydynamics, and you
> can just 'walk-through' everything that's in-there.
>> That's what I did in the posts that can be accessed
> by doing the Groups Google, above.
>> Cheers, Xiaoshen, ken [k. p. collins]